Eye ulcers that refuse to heal normally in an animal are a frustrating problem for pet owners. The ulcers usually occur from an injury to the eye, but conventional treatments may not provide long-term solutions for the problem. However, our veterinary ophthalmology specialists can offer enhanced treatments that provide greater effectiveness. At Southeast Animal Eye Specialists in Newnan, GA , we offer treatment for non-healing eye ulcers.

The Problem of Eye Ulcers

An ulcer of the eye can occur when an animal’s eye gets poked, gets scratched by another animal, or rubs his or her face on a coarse surface. Minor abrasions generally heal quickly, but more serious eye injuries can be difficult to heal. Some dog breeds are more prone to eye ulcers, such as Golden Retrievers and Boxers. Animals with unusual eye structures, such as Bloodhounds, can also suffer from eye ulcerations. However, the problem can occur in any breed. Eye ulcers can be excruciating, and prompt treatment is highly recommended.

Debridement of the Eye

After careful examination, our veterinary eye doctors will decide to debride the eye to remove damaged tissue. This damaged tissue can be very uncomfortable for an animal and should be removed to help him or her develop new, healthy tissue. In this procedure, the animal is put under anesthesia to reduce stress and prevent eye movement. An anesthetic drop is put into the eye, and our vets then use a swab to gradually remove damaged corneal tissue. Antibiotics are used to prevent infection. Recovery takes a few days to a week. Pet owners are required to administer pain-relieving drops to the affected eye post-procedure.

Keratotomy Procedure

Keratotomy, or removal of layers of corneal tissue, can be done after a debridement procedure. Our veterinarians use a special instrument to remove damaged corneal tissue from the eye, allowing new tissue to develop normally. After this process, a contact lens is placed in the eye for some time. Frequent follow-up visits are necessary to ensure proper healing of the eye.

Contact Us for Veterinary Eye Care from Our Ophthalmology Specialists in Newnan, GA

Dr. Storey and our professional team at Southeast Animal Eye Specialists have many years of experience treating eye disorders in animals in and around the Newnan area. We treat various eye disorders, including corneal diseases, cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal problems. Contact Southeast Animal Eye Specialists today at (404) 809-7410 for an appointment to have your pet examined or to learn about effective treatments for non-healing eye ulcers.