As your pet ages, you’ve probably noticed that its vision has started to decline. For many years, this was just an accepted part of the aging process, but today there are several things that can be done to slow down and reverse this symptom of getting older. A veterinary ophthalmology specialist, otherwise known as a pet eye doctor, can provide several possible options.

What Is Laser Retinal Therapy?

One of the most common procedures available is laser retinal therapy. This procedure allows a veterinarian to treat small tears in your pet’s retina. There are three types of laser retinal therapy: endolaser, direct, and indirect.

Direct, indirect, and endolaser simply refer to the different types of lasers that can be used for this procedure. Of the three, endolaser is considered the least invasive.

More about these types of laser retinal therapy can be explained by your vet, who will review your pet’s condition and determine the best course of treatment.

What Pets Benefit from This Treatment?

The procedure is typically done for pets who are experiencing macular edema, a condition that is characterized by small tears in the retina. Over time, these tears can cause the retina to detach from the eye, causing permanent damage to your pet’s vision that can include permanent blindness.

What Is the Procedure Like?

During the procedure, your pet will be sedated. This will give the vet the ability to access the eyes and ensure there is no movement during the procedure. Highly-focused light is then used to repair the damaged blood vessels in the eye by sealing them closed. This stops the bleeding and fluid leakage into the eye that causes the immediate vision problems and can eventually cause retinal separation.

This procedure is similar to the laser retinal therapy that is used on humans. In fact, most vet offices offering the procedure use the same equipment. The procedure has been performed thousands of times and is considered fairly routine.

What Can I Expect After the Procedure?

Most pets can go home the same day they have this surgery performed, and the side effects tend to be only from the sedation. After care is fairly minimal, with most pets simply requiring a cone for a few days to prevent them from scratching their eye.

Call Us Today

If you think your pet is having issues with its vision, call Southeast Animal Eye Specialists today.